When a migrant worker died in 1879, there was no cemetery in this community. Counce Reeves, a Civil War veteran who had come from Hamilton County, Georgia and his wife Selina gave two acres at this site for a church and burial ground. The Rev. D. Dane of Jefferson led in organizing the Reeves Chapel Methodist Church. The congregation erected a brush arbor and in the fall of 1879 constructed a frame meetinghouse. Later Reeves deeded an additional two acres. After the fellowship grew, members initiated efforts to erect a larger building in 1907.
This congregation traces its history to 1892 when Mr. and Mrs. G.O. Hart gave an acre of land for a new church building. The church was officially organized on September 11, 1892, and the Rev. J.H. Floyd served as the first pastor. One of the main reasons for the establishment of this congregation was so the members would not have to travel to Pittsburg for worship services. It has remained a small rural church, with various structures built over the years to accommodate the membership, which includes descendants of charter members.
Macedonia Baptist Church was organized under a brush arbor in 1892.
The church building you see today was built in 1950.
The First Baptist Church of Pittsburg was organized in 1858.
In 1905 the red brick part of the church you see today was built. It was in Gothic style with lovely stained glass windows completely around it.
The Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg was organized in 1883. There were 10 charter members. They met for worship once a month at either the Methodist Church, Baptist Church or sometime the Court House.
In 1886 the Ladies Aid Society was organized and the first work of the society was to raise money to build a church.
A lot was purchased and a building erected in 1887.
The Ladies Aid Society also raised money to purchase pews, a bell and an organ.
The original church building was moved and the current building was built in 1949.
The charter members of this church, organized in 1857 by the Rev. J. W. Harvey Hamill, included Major and Mrs. W. H. Pitts and others in the Pitts family, for whom this town was named. The congregation worshipped first in a log structure, then shared a 2-story frame building with the Masonic Lodge. A larger frame sanctuary was erected in 1888-89. It was replaced by this brick prairie style church, constructed (1904-05) during the pastorate of the Rev. E. L. Shettles. In 1953 the educational wing was added. In 1957, the fellowship's centennial year, membership was 546.